Ever since I was young, I've had a problem with focusing on anything for more than thirty minutes, even something that I really enjoy. Like drawing. I can start doodling, and suddenly be like "I wonder what's on TV. Oooh cannibalism! Let's go to the park. Frick it's cold. Never mind. I'll draw now. Not. Let's work on that novel I said I'd do! No, let's draw that comic instead. How about we blog now?" It's like there's a five year old in my head and it doesn't want to keep doing something for more than ten minutes at a time. This is NOT good for my school work, as it takes me five hours to write an essay because I keep going to StumbleUpon, or twitter, or facebook. There is nothing that can hold my attention.
When I was about nine, I started getting bored easily. I tried to sit down and do homework, before I decided "Screw it, I'm going to ride my bike."
Even typing this blog entry will take me several days because I'll get bored and decide to do something else.
See that? I just took a twenty minute break to play air guitar. I was working for maybe fifteen minutes before I got bored. That's bullshit.
Then I took a break to read some comics and update my twitter account. What the eff me.